Thursday, February 26, 2009

Castle Battle

The March backpage for Paper..  with one more remaining in the series.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Tonight at David Krut Projects

two new works by Joseph Hart, Gold Flame (left) and Untitled

With Hidden Noise

An exhibition featuring work by Glen Balderidge, Alex Dodge,
Joseph Hart, Jason Jagel, Phil Sanders and Tatiana Simonova

February 17 - April 4, 2009
Opening Reception on Friday, February 20th, 6-8pm

David Krut Projects
526 West. 26th, #816
New York, NY 10001

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Here are a couple of the prints Jashar and I have on sale in's Guest Exhibition. Select original pieces are also up for sale on the site!
Check it out!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Marketing Illustration"

I'm interviewed in "Marketing Illustration: New Venues, New Styles, New Methods" by Steven Heller and Marshall Arisman. Other interviewees include Christoph Niemann, Alex Murawski, Yuko Shimizu, and Tomer Hanuka.

The book hits stores in one month but you can pre-order it at a discount here.

More about Steve Heller here.
More about Marshall Arisman here.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Obama in Toronto

For those of you in and around Toronto:

"Some of the city's best artists come together in a group show illustrating the drunken hope that President Obama brings on his first national visit to the great white north." Barbershop Gallery
(For those that can't make it, I'll post my piece here soon!)

Monday, February 16, 2009


Illustrations for tips to be published in a book later this year.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


This is Michelle's self portrait in the art of the "potat". It's hard-edged, journalistic approach is edgy and evocative, tackling issues like "breakfast in Korea", "strawberry shortcake" and "spacepants". She's posting them and other drawings and photos at Les Pommes De Terre.

Brand new Tomby Illustration site redesign!

It's leaner, meaner and more fun! ('Misc' is my favorite new bit...)

(click image)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

girly stuff from a tomboy...

eh, for the first time, i got to paint some girly girls for hansel from basel's fall/winter '09 collection, guilty pleasure!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Lab Mice & Love

I just finished the piece I’ve been working on for the cover of The Bat City Review, the annual literature magazine for The University of Texas at Austin. They ended up choosing an unused sketch I had done a while back for Paper, which was kind of nice b/c I had been wanting to make it a finished piece for a while now.

The actual cover will have a few more mice, but I'll add that when the designer is done with the text.

My favorite internet turkey shoot of the day

Rob Liefeld taken to task for his various crimes against humanity, such as the drawing above. I read most of these comics in the nineties, and remember being perplexed at the time. This site kind layed it all out it for me: the strange proportions, tiny feet, shameless underdrawing, . . . And it's pretty damn funny.

Group show tonight!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bitches for Bitch

Well, I seem to be the official "go-to girl" for drawing piles of various things for BITCH Magazine.. in particular piles of girls. Below is the most recent illustration about the tramps of reality TV who fight to marry one man. Below that are my previous illustrations for them..
another pile of girls:

a pile of sex toys:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Neighborhood Golf

Just did this one for Justin Long at Orange Coast Magazine about an odd neighborhood ritual in Newport Beach. Neighborhood golf! With no time to head out to the links over the holidays, they simply take it to the neighborhood streets and swing away. Incredibly, according to the story, they have yet to damage any cars or break any windows.....Amazing.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Christophe Niemann's LEGO NY for the Times - fun stuff.

Allergic Reaction!

An illo and spot for American Medical News. Had a lot of fun with this and used gouache for the first time in six or seven years. I realized my gouache hiatus was rather stupid 'cause it's pretty dang useful.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Amble Through Bramble

My friend and former roommate, Morgan Levine, who's equally adept at throwing tableware and building furniture, will be making her ultra-realistic crepe paper blossoms on the Martha Stewart Show this Wednesday! If you're not feeling crafty enough to make your own, you can purchase her barrettes, brooches and over-grown blooms here– Amble through Bramble. (The ones she sells are coated in resin so they're extra sturdy!) Martha and Morgan will be on NBC, Wednesday at 11am (this coast)- Definitely tune in!
Also peek at Amble through Bramble's Guest Exhibition to find prints and original works by Jashar and me.